Thursday, August 13, 2009

Layers and Rooster-updated Sept 8,2009

this week the three are seven months old and the seven are 5 months old...we have been getting as many as 7 eggs per day this week......weighing from 75 grams to 100 grams

Sept8.........from spet 1 to sept7 we have 28 eggs.......some days three,some days i guess we now have 5 pullets laying.We weighed 7 as a sample.....three at 75 grams......two at 90 grams and two at 100 grams.
70 grams = large,80 and over = jumbo

The Sunshine layers and their Farmers Choice Rooster at play are the pictures opposite.

The Roo is 6 months old and 5.0 kilos......

Three hens are also 6 months and 4.75.....3.75 ......and 3.25 kilos,they are laying now for a month and a half.

Seven hens are 4 months old and not laying yet.Weights are 5 at 2.75k each and 2 at 3.0 kilos.Not yet laying

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