Monday, October 27, 2008

Mixed chicks in Error

Yesterday I bought 10 one day old Hubbard Broilers.....( for family reunion in Dec0............when I got home to the farm I noticed they didnt all look alike.........turns out there were 5 Hubbards and 5 Sunshine chicks mixed together.The Hubbards were only one day old and bigger than the one week old Sunshines .....whats up with that ?

We'll wait and see what happens here.

We also butchered the last of the Hubbards born Sept 6 at 49 days old.Had weights of 2750,2250,1800 and 1200 for a total of 8000 and average of 2000 each. They dressed out at 1550,1150,1750,and 900 for a total of 5350,averaging 1337.5.

We also butchered the last of our Farmers Choice Tasty Chicks ,they averaged 1360.

Still waiting for the new 54 sq mtr coop to be finished before ordering new

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